Piezo Ceramics

What is piezo ceramics?

Piezo ceramics is a kind of electronic ceramic material with piezoelectric properties.

The main difference from typical piezoelectric quartz crystals that do not contain a ferroelectric component is:

The crystalline phases that make up its main composition are all ferroelectric crystals.

Since ceramics are polycrystalline aggregates with randomly oriented grains, the spontaneous polarization vectors of the individual ferroelectric particles are also chaotically oriented.

In order for ceramics to exhibit macro piezoelectric properties, they must be fired in piezoelectric ceramics. After the terminal face is formed from the electrodes,

it is placed under a strong DC electric field for polarization treatment so that the corresponding polarization vectors of the initial chaotic directions are oriented in the direction of the electrode. school.

After cancellation, some macroscopic residual polarization will be retained, so the ceramic has certain piezoelectric properties.

How do piezoelectric ceramics work?

Piezoceramics is a kind of ceramic functional communication material that can convert mechanical energy and electrical energy into a piezoelectric effect. In addition to piezoelectricity,

piezoelectric ceramic also has dielectric, elastic properties, etc.,

and has been widely used in medical imaging, acoustic sensors, acoustic transducers, motors ultrasound, etc.

Piezoelectric ceramics are made by using their material to cause relative displacement of the positive and negative charge centers inside the material under the action of mechanical stress,

causing a polarization, resulting in the ‘appearance of related charges of opposite sign at the ends of the material, which is the piezoelectric effect. It has sensitive characteristics.

How are piezoelectric ceramics made?

Ceramics are mainly used for making ultrasonic transducers, underwater acoustic transducers,

electroacoustic transducers, ceramic filters, ceramic transformers, ceramic discriminators, high voltage generators, infrared detectors, surface acoustic wave devices, electro-optical devices,

In addition to being used in high-tech fields, igniters, detonators, and piezoelectric gyroscopes are used to restore service people in daily life and strive to create better lives for people.

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