Piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer

Buy PZT4 miniature piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer, we need the product, if you can produce it, please feel free to contact us.

this product can not be produced by our current technology, but we are interested. If you can produce such a product, please send your email for further information.

Below inquiry from our customer:

PZT4 miniature piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer

Hi Dear,

This is xx from xxx Inc. in Ankara of Turkey. We are a medical device manufacturing company focused on endovascular treatment solutions like catheters, guidewires, etc. We want to develop an ultrasonic thrombolysis catheter, so we need PZT4 piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers for this project which have a miniature size of 2 mm length, 0.4 mm width, and 0.35 mm thickness. Could you provide our required material in these dimensions?

The yellowish part in the picture indicates the ultrasonic cores.

piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer
PZT4 miniature piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers

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