Artificial Intelligence Come, What Do you Think?

In the final battle between man and machine, Li Shishi lost to “Alpha Dog”. The final score was 1:4, and Alpha Dog was dragged into the countdown.

This time caring about the human-computer war is really empty, and it is also a few happy and sad. The most injured are professional chess players, the higher the rank, the greater the damage. You know, the meaning of life is impacted. The most motivated should be the programmers who have the ideal of artificial intelligence, and they will believe that the advanced productivity they represent can change the world.

Whether it is from layout, robbery, confrontation or final victory, AlphaGo has demonstrated the ability to surpass human chess players.

Therefore, some people think: the century of a robot has come. All kinds of conspiracy theories, doomsday theories, collapse theories, human pessimism, and weakening of human thinking will also be popular. In fact, in a sense, this is a good thing. We started to be less arrogant and began to think better about “who am I” and “where am I going”.

Some artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence, AI) experts predict that there will be a 50% chance of achieving strong artificial intelligence in 2040-2050, and a 90% chance in 2075. At the moment, Google’s artificial intelligence Go system has defeated humans to prove that in the era of weak artificial intelligence, it is possible to achieve intelligence in a certain field through rules and data. It shows that intelligence in the era of weak artificial intelligence is also very intelligent and can replace human work in many fields. This is bound to Subvert the current production methods of various industries and reshape the pattern of various industries.

What is the most intuitive application of artificial intelligence in the beginning?

Demis Hassabis, the father of AlphaGo, believes that the most intuitive application of artificial intelligence in the 1990s was reflected in the game industry. At that time, there was no movement in academic research. Some new technologies such as enhanced learning, deep learning, and neural networks were all It has not been applied and promoted, so games have become the best application field of artificial intelligence. Of course, artificial intelligence at that time was very different from now. Artificial intelligence at that time was more like a more complex finite state machine (FSM), which was used in the game Black & White. When it comes to enhanced learning technology, I still think that this is the most complicated case in the application of games.

What is the essential difference between this PK and the last time IBM Deep Blue and the chess master PK?

In May 1997, the Deep Blue computer developed by IBM defeated the chess master Kasparov. This is the way programmers write programs and the PK of people, which is essentially the PK of people and people.

And AlphaGo uses human brain principles, evolvable algorithms, and deep learning. The essential meaning is the self-growth of data, without relying on programmers or developers, it is essentially a PK between machines and people.

This is an enlightenment movement of artificial intelligence, allowing the public to accept and believe in the power of machines, and it will also promote the development and application of artificial intelligence. The significance of this game is far-reaching, perhaps one hundred years later, it is one of the greatest historical events in the 21st century. Fortunately, we have participated in witnessing this war of the century.

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